ROBOMAP Studio 2011

ROBOMAP Studio is a set of useful programs to processing data from 2DLS, mainly focused to continual and global localization and SLAM.
Further information

Jerry Moravec;

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Long Description
Robomap Studio (RS) is smart tool designed to process data in the field of autonomous robotics and artificial intelligence. Aim of this project is off-line work with data from 2D LS scanner SICK - PLS100. All algorithms included to this project fall to relatively young scientific area - evolutionary robotics. The program consists of more than 50 parts suitable to solve the problems like continual robot localization, global robot localization and SLAM + necessary subsidiary tools. Small indoor office or small cluster of offices is most suitable working environment (i.e. indoor environment). Program contains powerful 2D LS simulator able to simulate data of the 2DLS. Evolutionary algorithms are substantial part of (RS). Powerful n-dimensional simulator able to test more than 50 standard benchmark functions using several EA optimizers - SGA, aGA, MonteCarlo, DE, PSO, RPSO. (RS) cooperates with well known matrix laboratory MATLAB and use this program as the subsidiary tool at visualization. (Matlab is necessary for full functionality).

Input Data
2DLS - sensorial data

Logfile Format
Internal binary LSB format or classic text LOG file with 361 beams in 180 degree. Import filters for 180/181/360/361 beams in 180 degree.

Type of Map
line maps

Hardware/Software Requirements
Matlab version 5.4 or higher (tested on Win XP 32 bit SP2); min hardware tested on: Intel Celeron 2.2GHz/512MB RAM

License Information
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
The authors allow the users of to use and modify the source code for their own research. Any commercial application, redistribution, etc has to be arranged between users and authors individually and is not covered by

Licensed und GPL.

Further Information
Documentation and example data can be found at

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*** Copyright and V.i.S.d.P.: Jerry Moravec; ***